Tuesday, January 14, 2014

That tiny figure is the writer George Saunders

Sylvia went to her first author event tonight. We stayed almost a whole hour - Paul kept her entertained while I listened. Saunders heard her crying once and said, "Is that a mouse?" He also said he didn't write anything good until after he became a father. All in all, a great night. The photo is blurry because Sylvia is so excited about the whole thing. Not because I'm a photographer of questionable skill.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Someone has a new favorite toy ...

Oh, vaccines. How we wish you weren't so sharp.

Just got home from the 4-month checkup. She's 14 lbs, 1 oz, 24 inches long. Her head circumference gained an inch since November. (So proud!) But the shots. Oh, the shots! Actually, it was one shot. But poor baby. When we got home we sat down in the rocking chair and she moaned herself to sleep.

Monday, January 6, 2014

All the things!

That last hour of the ride back from Bremen required one long break, a full clothing change (for Sylvia), all the toys we had in the car and all the songs we know. Phew. Home at last.

Driving home

We lucked out. She's been sleeping for most of the ride. One hour to go.

Enough love (and oatmeal) for everyone
