Saturday, March 22, 2014


This little boy dug an awesome hole in our garden. Then he said, "Maybe your baby fits in it." So we checked.

New trick: Performing

She now knows how to get applause.

Chilly morning

We left the heat off last night, but the temperature dropped so much that we needed to bundle up in the kitchen this morning. Spring, hurry!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Brunch with Grandma Betsy

If only we had let Sylvia have those salt and pepper shakers she so desperately wanted ...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

First tooth

Our baby girl cut her first tooth today. Bottom front. I noticed it this morning as a tiny clear bubble on her gum. By tonight it was a sharp little point. It's official: This growing up thing happens WAY too fast.

Six months old today

Good morning!