Friday, June 27, 2014

Lazy parents, laughing baby

I tried to get a sneaky video of Sylvia laughing while we were reading bedtime stories, but perhaps I should have at least sat up. Oh well.

Head tilt

I have no words for this cuteness.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A few moments of high chair happiness

See ya, Mom!

This is how much Sylvia loves her babysitter, Alli. She reaches for her when Alli walks in the door, and there are no tears when I leave.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Two firsts

1. When I went to get Sylvia from her nap today, I found her sitting up in bed -- it was the first time she sat up all by herself. 

2. Sylvia had a babysitter for the first time tonight, for three whole hours. I was a wreck. But when we walked in the door at 7:30 she grinned at us and clapped! And when her babysitter Alli left, Sylvia waved goodbye with both hands. She seemed disappointed that Alli was leaving! 

She's growing up. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Just kidding. We went to a friend's house this morning, and Sylvia was definitely allowed to play with her toys. But the look on her face says, "Uh oh. Did I do something wrong??"

Monday, June 16, 2014

Peekaboo with friends

We visited the lovely Niemann sisters (and their wonderful family).

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Afternoon porch swing

Sylvia gets a little wistful while watching the neighbor kids play across the street.

Monday, June 9, 2014

9 months old today

She was 17 and a half pounds and 27 inches tall today at her checkup.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Labyrinth at the art museum

A new exhibit opened on the lawn this spring: a glass labyrinth. It's fun! Very confusing, though. Sylvia didn't know quite what to make of all the reflections.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

This would be fine.

Except it's 9 at night and she just won't go to sleep! I blame you, California.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Why is that guy opening up the engine on our plane?

On the flight from SF to Denver, Paul said, "Planes don't really break down as much anymore, I've noticed." And ... cue engine problems on the plane that is supposed to take us from Denver to Kansas City. If anyone knows how to use Paul's powers for good, let us know.

Afternoon snack with Gina

She took these photos. I'll post of one her next.

San Francisco!

That plastic bowl on Sylvia's head has been with us since Friday night. Perfect toy.

Cousins at play

We had so much fun with family

And then, we fell fast asleep.

The wedding reception was sooo lovely