Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tractor fun!

I took Sylvia to the farm show today.. She wanted to climb up into every single tractor. There were a lot of them.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Running errands

She won't sit in the cart long, but pushing it is just irresistible enough that we can make it through the store without me having to chase her too many times.

Back to KC.. And back to the cold!

Liz reunites with grad student friends at Writers Place event and Sylvia treks in snow with downtown KC in background.

A working breakfast

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Thanks for all the sweet cards, family! Sylvia loved them. Maybe next year she'll send some ;)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Makeshift bath

Who needs a bathtub?

Morning walk through flowers

That big building is a cultural center under renovation.

Gloria Steinem (not pictured)

We took a selfie this morning while listening to a talk by Gloria Steinem. She was amazing. Sylvia was relatively quiet. Relatively.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Walk this morning in our lovely neighborhood

There are beautiful haciendas and churches right in our neighborhood and a the houses are painted in beautiful colors. We walk down cobblestone streets to a park that seems more like a botanical garden and there seems to be some sort of flower festival going on. Sylvia insists on walking most of the time, even on hills. There is a fantastic playground at the hotel where the conference is, Sylvia approves!

View from rooftop deck of our rental house in San Miguel de Allende

First steps in Mexico!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Things she says lately

Last week she just started saying, "I'll be right back," while shaking a finger at me. It sounds like "Ah be rah beck." Sometimes there are extra syllables. I think this is her first sentence. It's something I say to her a lot. 

Yesterday she didn't get to see Paul at all, and today he had to leave for work before she could see him. So today she said to me very seriously, and many times, "I want PAUL," which sounds like, "Ah wan PAW." Except "Paul" sounds like an exact blend of "paw" and "poe." And a few times it sounded like she said, "I love Paul." When he got home tonight we got her to say it a few times to him and it made everything better for everyone. 

She also says "Yeah" to a lot of questions, usually correctly but sometimes not, and she says a ton of things in her own language with the full expectation that we understand her perfectly. 

A good day to play

Heading home from the park