Friday, December 30, 2016

Blustery day

It was in the 50s today but extremely windy, so we played behind the Catholic school instead of going all the way to the park. Sylvia was delighted. Levi slept.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Sylvia is catching on so fast to the fact that there is a lot more to language than she currently has mastered. In the past few days she has started asking me, "Did I say the right word?" whenever she tries something new.

Last night she said "crispy peas" instead of "chickpeas." I liked her version better but I answered her honestly.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Sunday football

We turned on the Chiefs game and handed Sylvia the remote (at her insistence). Before she accidentally turned off the TV (of course), she said wistfully, "I wish I was on that team."

Conversations with Sylvia

Sylvia has been on a huge "why" kick lately. She seems to be focused on figuring out more precise meanings of words and phrases. Every page of every book we read lately elicits at least one or two clarifying questions, even if we've read the book many times before.

Last night there was a big snow.

Me: It's a winter wonderland out there, Sylvia.
S: Why do you say it's a ... (pause to reconstruct the words I said) winter wonderland?
Me: It just means it's all beautiful and snowy outside.
S: And wonderland-y?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016