Monday, March 27, 2017

Betsy's tulips

Grandma planted these for us last fall and they are just beautiful.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Levi and the piggy - take 2

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Available until Apr 24, 2017

San Diego zoo

At the end of the day at the zoo, Sylvia got a long-promised ice cream cone and a stop at the zoo's playground. Her delighted comment when she saw it: "Now this is what my vacation is about!"

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Looking forward to going home

It's been a very good trip, and I'm happy we went. Heading home tomorrow. The bumps in the road - broken thermostat in the hotel room making for a long night of little sleep, terrible tacos in a parking lot while everyone was very hungry, pushing to do just a little too much in each day (Sylvia has basically stopped agreeing to show her face in pictures) - mean we'll all be happy to get home, too.