Monday, July 31, 2017


We are by far the loudest visitors the Welstone gets.

The good life.

First night in his new place. He's pretty happy with it.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Learning everything from my big sis

Levi figured out how to carry a purse today and was so pleased. Oh, and he took four steps by himself and was verrrry pleased.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

This is the good stuff

Nuns at Andy's!

I took a surreptitious selfie with them but was too shy to say more than hello. Paul and Dad, on the other hand, got in lots of visiting. They were very friendly and gracious.

Moving day elves

Morgan Doane and his friend Ashton moved a lot of stuff. But don't worry - there's more to move tomorrow.

It begins

Moving Day

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sylvia learned to ride a scooter tonight

We borrowed one from her friend Hannah. Sylvia fell off twice and scraped her knees but stopped crying fast and got right back to it. I guess we are now in the market for a scooter.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Language, lately

Levi has some sounds/words: Uh-oh, da-da-da, mum-mum-mum, baw (for ball). He's learning the sign for "all done," but mostly it's just chubby baby hands twirling around while he grins and laughs and looks so pleased and almost shy.

I was telling Sylvia a bedtime story tonight about a polar bear I decided to name Kevin. And she, having apparently never heard that name before, said, "Kevin? Oh, that's a pretty name."

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Kids' language can be pure poetry

Sylvia: "The sky is dark. The cars are shining their brave lights to go home."  

Home Run Derby

We watched the beginning, but the Royal got booted in the first round. This photo was taken while we still had hope.

Who, me? Empty the cabinet? Never.