Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Levi explores the world

Now that he's walking, sometimes he just ... walks off to check something out.

Monday, September 18, 2017

New butterfly

Sylvia and her friends Isaac and Jewell watch a brand new butterfly adjust to life outside the cocoon. Isaac's mom and dad noticed the chrysalis on their flower pot and we've all been waiting for the butterfly ever since. Today, it appeared.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Whose hat is that?

Putting this hat on and walking around with it was great entertainment for Levi, for a solid 15 minutes.



Paul's 25th high school reunion, and Charlie's 50th. I didn't get a photo of either of them, but I got most of the kids.

(Almost) all the kids at once

These Friedrichs men. If they've got a clean diaper in their back pocket and a high school football game on the schedule, they can take all the kids you toss at them and everyone will have a great time.

Puppets are so great!

Puppet show

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Tea party birthday

They mostly licked icing off the cupcakes, but they loved it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fall fashion

Soon we'll all be wearing our jean jackets buttoned all the way up.