Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sylvia’s “new” room

I moved the furniture around and it's so much easier to play in there. She was delighted. She kept saying, "Mom, did you know you changed my room A LOT?"

Red Light Green Light

With Zack and Luke at thanksgiving at Marilyn's. Even Levi played.

Levi and Grandpa Charlie

That can’t possibly be comfortable

Pia and Levi make escape plans

Blustery day at the park

Kateri and Sylvia

Pia and Levi

My lunch dates

Levi will eat almost anything. He just doesn't like to sit down.

Starting to build a gnome and fairy garden

We were inspired by a great one Paul found in the neighborhood.

This isn’t even the cutest face he makes.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fruita, Colorado

Every corner had something we probably weren't supposed to play with, but we did.