Friday, December 28, 2018

More things Levi says

"Do you bemember dat day? I bemember dat day!"

"Do you bemember I pway soccer with Coach Rachel?"

"I got my juh-mamas!" (pajamas) 

"(Gasp!) Look! Christmas Eve!" (upon seeing any Christmas tree, anywhere)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I've been meaning to make notes of the things Levi says, because his language is changing so rapidly now, and I just forget so fast, too. 

One thing I really don't want to ever forget is the first time I got him to tell me he loves me. He'd been very happily expressing his love for Buzz Lightyear, etc., but finally one night as we were laying down to sleep, I said, "I love you, sweetie," and he said, "I wuv you! I wuv you, Mommy, too!" 

Of course, he also says "But I reawwy wuv it!" every time I tell him I'm going to have to take a toy away if he keeps throwing it/hitting furniture with it/hitting his sister with it.

Tonight after we put the Christmas tree lights on and turned all the other lights off, Paul suggested singing carols. When we got to Silent Night, I remembered all of a sudden that I used to sing that to Sylvia over and over and over and OVER until she fell asleep. I had (almost!) completely forgotten.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Snowstorm, day two

Sylvia is ready for more fun in the snow. Levi is still not having it.

First snowy day

Sylvia and Paul and our neighbors played outside for hours. Levi sensibly refused.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Sylvia on learning to pump: "If you were pushing me, it would be much easier!"