Thursday, March 22, 2018

More things Levi says

"I like it!" He said this many times today about a juice box. It was the first time he's ever said this, and he was so, so pleased. 

"Ice skeam!" 


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Levi’s main concerns

"Es Syl-ya?" (Where's Sylvia?)
"Es Daddy?" (Where's Daddy?)

Also, he is newly critical of me: "Stop it sing." (Stop singing.)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

You know what cures a lot of problems?

1. Grandma ...
2. ... taking you to Andy's ...
3. ... in your sparkliest shoes.

Sylvia’s first ER trip

This tired and sick little girl got IV fluids, blood work, and X-rays. Luckily all she had was dehydration and low blood sugar. The hospital was amazing, giving her lots of prizes and chocolate milk.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Levi masters another sport

Curling is next.


Paul took the kids out for the whole day and had such a great time. They went to the nature center, out to lunch, and then to a birthday party. I stayed home and did a glorious amount of nothing.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Birthday party haul

That's the face of a child in possession of two Pez dispensers and nine packs of candy.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Pre-show prep

She dressed to the nines, announced a surprise show in the living room, and started to write down the dance moves she planned to execute. Then she danced. (All the moves looked the same to me, but they had very distinct names, of course.) I wish I had video!