Saturday, July 28, 2018


We had to go to the hardware store today and there was a dog adoption event in the parking lot. We petted so many dogs, got lots of doggie kisses, and cuddled one of these warm, squirmy puppies. Best trip to the store ever.

Monday, July 23, 2018

The kid has a sense of humor

I let Levi climb into the car by himself today, and he headed for Sylvia's carseat.

Levi: I ride dis carseat?

Me: No, Levi, get in your own carseat.

Levi, grinning: Hee hee. I joking. 

Levi's conversational go-to

Costco cashier: Hey, man, how you doin'?
Levi, smiling: I fourteen. 

Sylvia's preschool teacher: Hi, Levi, how are your naps going?
Levi, smiling: I fourteen. 

I have no idea what this means in his head, but clearly he has latched onto it as a good answer. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

I Spy, long road trip through Kansas edition

Sylvia: I spy something green!
Me: Soybeans?
Sylvia: Yes!

Sylvia: I spy something tall and spinning around.
Me: Windmills?
Sylvia: Yes!

Paul: I spy something —
Me: Corn.
Paul: Yes!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Conversations between Sylvia and Levi

Sylvia: I'll teach you what "mind" means when you're two, Levi.

Levi: I fourteen, Seel-ya. I fourteen.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Monday, July 16, 2018

Library field trip

We all took the city bus to the library for story time, a coloring project, and then some frozen yogurt. It was so fun. I have to admit - it did end in tears (Sylvia's) but then we went home and had lunch and that fixed it.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Improv class

The library is running a free improv class this summer - five Friday mornings in all. Sylvia loves it. Levi watched the whole thing today with great interest and delight.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Weird food

Sometimes toddlers eat foods they never have before and never will again. This morning Levi looked in the fridge and insisted he wanted cold, plain quinoa left over from last night's dinner (he didn't eat it then). We gave him a spoon and he dug in, eating quite a bit of it. I don't expect a repeat.

Friday, July 6, 2018

The kitchen remodel commences

The cabinets will go to a Habitat project. Discoveries of note: old linoleum in a pattern that is very much in style again today, brightly colored wallpaper that seems original to the house, and no insulation in the plaster walls (unsurprising).

Late-night drawing and writing

It's been a whirlwind the past few days. So instead of insisting on bedtime, I'm letting this scene unfold: Sylvia is dictating, Paul is writing and drawing, and Sylvia is contributing some letters and shapes. The two of them are perfectly at peace.