Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sylvia selfies

Carousel at the zoo

Sylvia's favorite horse and Levi's favorite frog are, luckily, within eyeshot of each other. And we ended our trip by playing with Buzz.

Penguin hugs

Levi said, "I wuv you."

Morning dose of cute

Levi meets Big Boy

Our neighbor has this in his back yard.

Old West Days II

We played "Graces," watched Mexican dancing, panned for gold, and took a goat cart ride (just the kids. Ha.)

Old West Days

We rode a stagecoach and petted some gigantic oxen.

Sometimes they just hug

Oh my heart.

Soccer stretches

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Beautiful morning at Loose Park

We fed the ducks (Levi ate most of his bread), played hide and seek, and pretended this beautiful tree was a pirate ship and a jail.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


This musical structure at the park near Dad's offers eight different games, all of which involve lights and sounds and none of which make any sense to us.


Levi is taking some soccer "classes" and loving it. Sylvia is taking dance instead and is much happier.

Park day

English Landing Park in Parkville. Worth the drive.

Levi loves his Buzz

Sylvia suggested we get him a Buzz Lightyear toy for his birthday. And oh my goodness, was she ever right. Love at first sight.