Tuesday, October 1, 2019

We went to the rodeo!

We did not buy these hats. I kind of regret it.

Hiding things ...

Mommy: "What do you have behind your back, Levi?"

Levi: "Don't ask me questions."

It was a toy cheetah he was hoping to sneak into school.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Meet the Teacher night

Sylvia toured us happily and confidently around her school. She's excited for kindergarten to start for real, and I'm so happy for her.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Both kids have been into coloring, drawing, and painting lately. Sylvia impresses me with her precision and her willingness to test - she hates stray mark "mistakes," but I notice she'll do things like test out a marker color on her paper before coloring with it.

Levi worked on these green marks for three days. I had no idea what he was drawing. On the third day he looked up at me in frustration and said, "Buzz's wings are impossible!" I tried to keep my laughter to myself.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Quote from Levi

He said to our neighbor Matt as he was leaving:  "See you later pickle pants!"

Paul Friedrichs
Mobile:  913.558.3814
Email:  friedrichs.paul@gmail.com