Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Three kinds of happiness

Sylvia told me this morning that there are three kinds of happiness:

1. Real happiness
2. Evil happiness, like when a bad guy is happy because his bad guys have done the evil thing he wants them to do.
3. Pretend happiness, like when you feel one way and you pretend to feel happy, like when you've broken a glass and you go talk cheerfully to your mom and act like nothing happened. 

I checked, and she had not broken any glasses. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

They loooove this couch

Levi is not asleep in this pic. He is snuggling the soft couch.


These two cannot stop playing together - even though they spend quite a bit of that time driving each other crazy.

First hike - the fish hatchery

My hiking app said we walked 1.7 miles in two hours, but as Karl pointed out, the kids did way more with all their climbing and running in and out of the woods.

Arriving in Leadville

The kids did so great on our two-day drive. And the morning view from the street of our rental house was gorgeous.