Saturday, February 8, 2014


Sylvia now:

Reaches down and grabs her toes, often combining this move with a happy tipping over onto her side

Rolls over and rolls back, even on soft surfaces

Smiles hugely when Paul appears, reaches for him, and pulls on his face (with love, of course)

Reaches for everything, and pushes away what she doesn't want

"Drinks" out of my water glass, and dribbles it back into the glass and/or all over herself

Wants to eat everything we eat. She has sampled sweet potato and avocado, and she's gummed a carrot (don't freak out, grandparents; we will not let her choke).

Last night Sylvia had a bona fide "conversation" with our friend's son, Annen. He's four. She looked right at him and yelled at a high pitch, and he responded in kind, and they went back and forth, smiling. 

Life with Sylvia is totally fun. 

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