Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Two firsts

Tonight, Sylvia had what I think was her first temper tantrum. She didn't want to go to sleep -- she wanted to play some more, so she screamed and cried and tried to escape my arms. I questioned my parenting. (Of course.)

But a few minutes later, as I was holding her and walking the room singing a lullaby to a much calmer Sylvia, she reached under my chin and tickled me, with a super cute grin on her face.

Wow. I felt better.


  1. Ah, very cute. All was forgiven and forgotten :)

  2. I don't know if that was actually a temper tantrum or not . . .

    It sounds like sincere disappointment and an attempt to correct you . . .

    But I say, gird your loins and arm yourselves!!! :) Sylvia the Mighty is coming . . .

  3. Seriously! She really is quite determined.

  4. Kateri has definitely started throwing tantrums. Literally "throwing." Her favorite thing to do when she's angry is find something to throw. Then she looks straight at you as if to say, "Well? What are you gonna do about it?"

  5. They win because they are willing to escalate SO FAST AND SO FAR. What's a reasonable adult supposed to do in response??
