Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Dad's going to the game. Sylvia and I are staying home, away from all that scary cheering.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

If you look verrrry closely ...

You can see a tiny, unhappy Sylvia. She actually loved the bike ride. But in these pictures, she was done.

Monday, September 15, 2014


1. We taught Sylvia to say "Bacon!" She now says it at every opportunity, to great applause and delight from us.

2. She loves "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (it had fallen out of favor, replaced by "Wheels on the Bus") now that she can sing along with the very last word of the song ... "ahhhh-gain!"

3. Tonight, she stood by herself and raised a toy over her head, totally pleased with the situation. Then she stood alone a few more times throughout the evening, just for kicks. 

4. She LOVED the ocean in Naples. We stood at the edge and she walked in as far as I'd let her and then stood there holding my hand while the waves splashed into her and pushed her around. She sat down and picked up fistfuls of wet sand to show me (and she ate some). She loved it. Just loved it. 

5. She still has very little hair. We love that.

6. Magda taught her to do air kisses. ADORABLE.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Ohhhh NOOOOOO!!!

At the bookstore she immediately grabbed a book-shaped-like-a-purse called "My Pretty Princess" (or something like that) and proceeded to carry it EVERYWHERE.

I did not buy it for her. Grandmas, don't even THINK about if.