Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ohhhh NOOOOOO!!!

At the bookstore she immediately grabbed a book-shaped-like-a-purse called "My Pretty Princess" (or something like that) and proceeded to carry it EVERYWHERE.

I did not buy it for her. Grandmas, don't even THINK about if.


  1. Marian, I know I said it's okay if she likes pink, but this was just too much for me to handle all at once.

  2. Oh I just love it!!! C'mon. If she had picked out a camouflage canteen, would you have bought that?!!?

    No, I understand, seriously. Good work Liz and Marian . . . Aaack Her FIRST birthday is in 3 days. With all the excitement here - good timing.

  3. I am sure that is the same item I have refused to buy Bernadette more than once. I think you made a good call, Liz. I have nothing against pink or princesses, but those books are just twaddle. I do have a LOT against twaddle. By the way, I hope Sylvia feels better. Kateri now has a fever and threw up at dinner. Praying and trusting that the baby won't be born until she has recovered. She did down a cupful of apple juice laced with acetaminophen. :)

  4. Oh, I hope Kateri feels better very soon! And you're right, Mom, I wouldn't have bought it no matter the color ;) As for Sylvia's birthday, it's not until the 9th, so you have plenty of time to ship a pony out here.

  5. She can steal some of the pink/purple/princess stuff from our house when you next come to visit.

  6. I say buy the girl whatever she wants. Your only one once!!

  7. What? A pony is going to be delivered here?

  8. i agree with the general dissent against this purse/book atrocity (or as radian puts it twaddle) a book has no business looking like a purse, it makes books seem like accessories instead of awesomeness. however if the girl wants a purse shaped like a book id get it for her. that'd be hip.
