Saturday, October 4, 2014


Sylvia now says "No" and "No no" a lot, and it is so darn cute I can hardly take her seriously. But she is very, very serious.

She loves carrying a purse, or any bag that she can get on her shoulder, including some bags -- like the laundry hamper -- that she really can't get on her shoulder. She gets mad and keeps trying.

She uses a fork. I still have to do the food-spearing, but then she takes it from me and carefully brings it to her mouth. (Or she removes the food from the tines and throws it on the floor, just as carefully. This happens most frequently to vegetables and fruit.)

Her favorite book remains "Welcome to the World." She picks it up and gives it to us to read, and she sits quietly for a few pages before grabbing it and talking about it and pointing to the pictures and then she gives it back to us with a babbling directive that is probably "Read it!"

Her hair ... oh my, her hair. Fluttery, feathery, mullet-y. Sweet.

She sings her own little tunes. Sometimes, though, I could swear she's singing the first few notes of the theme song from NPR's "All Things Considered."


  1. Probably singing just to remind you that one of these kids was supposed to be named for an NPR personality.
