Tuesday, December 9, 2014

15 months old today

She laughs, she grins, she claps, she yells and talks and sings in her own language. She says "no." She says "sure." (Sounds like "suh.") She gives lots and lots of smoochy kisses, on knees, elbows, bellies, cats, inanimate objects. She wears any available piece of fabric as a scarf. She carefully backs up to and then sits down on the stairs or on our laps to read a book, to eat something, to try to put her socks on. When the car alarm goes off or when Paul starts up his electric toothbrush, she makes the sound, too, grinning. If you point a camera at her she says, "Cheeeeeeze!" She loves escalators and is absolutely fearless about them. She makes friends with everyone by giving them a charming, playful glance and smile. At the playground on a recent sunny day she would not let me help her climb the stairs. She fought mightily to be allowed to go down the slide by herself (she failed to convince me). She is a marvelous, wonderful little person, and we do love her so.


  1. She is. Reminds me of her mom :) when she was younger than 2. Send this to your dad if he doesn't check the blog!

  2. except for the scarf thing. I don't think you were that into accessorizing ;)
