Saturday, May 30, 2015


Sylvia has started to tell Paul and me about her day. Actually, she's been doing this for a little while now, but just with one word here and there, leaving it to us to determine whether she's talking about something she did in the past or something she wants to do right now. (Aside: she has added "Right now!" to her lexicon, used precisely as an adult would: at the end of a demand. Example: "Cheew-ios! Ite now!") 

Anyway ... now she tells us about her day in longer strings of single-word "sentences." Like this funny one:

Me: Sylvia, do you want some Cheerios?

Sylvia: Talia! 

Me: Yes, you saw your friend Talia this morning, and she likes Cheerios, too. 

Sylvia: Bump.

Me: Yes, Talia bumped her head this morning because she fell over while you were hugging her. 

Sylvia: Mommy. 

Me: Yes, Talia was okay because her mommy was there with her. 

Sylvia: Sowwy. 

Me: Yes, you said you were sorry, and it's okay. 

She told me that story the same way four times throughout the day. She really felt bad! 


  1. I love that! So nice she is reviewing her day. I'm sorry she felt bad. Accidents happen.

  2. Yes, I tried to reassure her :)
