Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our moon

Sylvia has been very curious about the moon lately. Even during the day she asks, "Where's da moon?" I tell her it's on the other side of the world, so other people can see it. This doesn't answer the question for her, of course. 

Last night she helped me grill some chicken by standing several feet away from the scary grill and pointing out the moon. "Look, deah's da moon!" 

Tonight, at her suggestion we took our mugs of peppermint tea onto the porch steps so we could look at the moon. As we were sitting there, she pointed to our neighbors' porch light:

"Look, another moon!"

"Oh, that looks like a moon, but it's Ty and Lindsey's porch light." 


She pointed back up to the sky.

"Deah's our moon."