Saturday, December 19, 2015

Party supplies

We went to a Christmas party at a bookstore the other night, and Sylvia wanted to bring six stuffed animals. I tricked her into leaving three in the car. She was okay with that once we got there and had cookies.


  1. She reminds me a bit of Isaiah there - is she negotiating with you? Trying to convince you otherwise?!!?

  2. Yes, much of the walk from the car to the bookstore was taken up with negotiating to go back to the car and get the other animals ("aminals").

  3. Oh, and the reason I was so mean and only allowed three is because I knew I'd end up carrying them, of course ;) And that is what happened. "Ah'm too tired," Sylvia explained, giving them to me.

  4. Always be prepared. You never know when you'll need that stuffed animal.
