Friday, January 22, 2016

I have no idea where she took this photo

This is what most of the photos in my phone look like lately. They are Sylvia selfies, or they are collections of photos of the corners of tables, the edge of the couch, my leg from my knee down ... Sylvia has taken over photography duties. And I would try harder to get some nice shots of her and update this blog more faithfully, but lately I have been so darn tired. Stupid first trimester. End already! 

Here is a funny bit of dialogue from this evening:

Sylvia: Will Daddy go get Sylvia's computer?

Liz: Where is Sylvia's computer?

Sylvia: Oh! At my other house. 

Liz: You have another house? Where is it?

Sylvia: Oh! Way, far away.

Liz: Who lives there?

Sylvia: Sylvia.

Liz: By yourself? 

Sylvia: Yes! And later I will watch Cinderella with Kateri. 

When I had her try to explain this to Paul later, it came out that she was referring to her cousins' house in Kansas. I'm sure you'll all be happy to know she considers it her other home! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is awesome! We are proud to provide and maintain her country seat. :) I hope you feel better really soon, Liz! xoxo
