Thursday, November 17, 2016

Levi rolled over!

Tonight while I was on the phone with Mom, I watched Levi rolling onto his side on his playmat. He was managing to get around in circles, always rolling onto his back again. Then, all of a sudden -- success! He was on his tummy, seeming perfectly surprised, with one arm stuck underneath himself.

Later, I wrapped him up in a blanket to give him his dose of antibiotics (ear infection, though you'd never guess from the sunny mood he's always in), and as soon as I started wrapping his arms he burst out laughing. He's been doing throaty little chuckles lately, but this was full on giggling. So cute! Then, of course, I had to ruin everything by giving him 4 ml's of amoxicillin. The doctor swore it would taste good, but Levi has taken to clamping his mouth shut when I try to dose him. 

Smart boy. 

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