Friday, January 27, 2017

I tricked her

Well, I finally got so desperate for Sylvia to eat vegetables that I went for deception. I puréed some sweet potato with some cooked shredded chicken and made chicken nuggets. She ate three of them! And then she declared she did not like them.

But she personally packed up the leftovers and put them carefully in the fridge.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Grandpa Peter and Pia

Isaiah is the best

I wish I could have caught all the beaming, delighted gazes Levi was giving his big cousin. It was pure adoration. Isaiah was telling Paul about Star Wars.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Eve

It was wild.

Levi's December skills

I gave him some banana on Dec. 22, mostly because I happened to be eating one and his eyes got all big and he flailed his little arms trying to get to it. Now he loves banana.

On Dec. 23, two little bitty teeth appeared on his bottom gums (same as Pia!).

And sometime in the past week or so, he became an expert at holding things. Look out, 2017.

Truman museum

Not much of a kid's museum, but very interesting, and Sylvia made her own fun. Here, she is listening to a recording of a WWII pilot but pretending to be on the phone with Charlie Brown.

Paul's happy place

Irish bar. Afternoon. Both kids. More family all around. Does life get better than this?