Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Notes on Levi

Well, he's six months old now - already! - and so happy and relaxed. In the past week I noticed that when I plop him down in a seated position, he can stay there! He only falls over ... slowwwwwwly ... if he's reaching to the side for a toy. Speaking of toys, he likes to bang or scrape hard toys on the floor or the table or a wall, over and over, enjoying the sound. You can offer him a spoonful of avocado but he prefers to feed himself, thank you very much, and will grab it out of your hand, turn it upside down and yank it toward his face. (Sometimes this ends in tears.) He loves, loves, loves his sister, who always makes him laugh. He is always so delighted when Paul comes home.

Last night, Levi was sitting in his exersaucer in the kitchen, and Paul was playing peekaboo with him around the doorway. Then Levi slowly ducked his head behind an exersaucer toy, and looked back up at Paul and grinned. He can play peekaboo too! I was so proud.

1 comment:

  1. Great update. Thank you!! Hugs and kisses to you all.
