Thursday, May 31, 2018


Sylvia is going to her cousins' house this weekend without us. She is so excited, but also a little worried that she will miss us. Here are some snippets:

S: "I'm going to bring Bunny to snuggle with and pretend it's you or Daddy or Levi."
Me: "Good idea. Are you going to call the bunny our names?"
S: "No, I'm going to pretend your names are Bunny."

"I'm going to miss my brother the most because he always wants to play with me."

S: "I'm going to miss you a hundred and fifty."
Me: "I'm going to miss you, too, but I'll also be thinking of all the fun you're having with your cousins!"
S: "Yes, after all these years of spending time on my own." 


  1. Oh man, my favorite was "after spending all these years on my own"!!!! Way to go Sylvia - and give my love to your parents, the Bunnies :)

  2. It sure must have been tough to spend all those years on her own, but she made it! No doubt her ability to pretend multiple things at once helped her over the rough spots. :)
