Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Learning to nap

After two months of holding her in my arms for every nap because she would wake up if I tried to put her in the bassinet, I finally tried laying her down in our bed, where she sleeps every night. Voila. I've graded two papers while sitting next to her. Mom, I'm sure you told me to do this a long time ago.  


  1. Congrats Liz- she looks very peaceful and happy!

  2. Let me think now . . . :) anyway it is so nice holding her, right? But I'm glad you've branched out.

  3. These things come as they're needed. And there will still be many clingy naps. She looks perfectly, restfully, happy.

  4. so you think the bonding worked?

  5. you call that a nap? i'll teach her how to nap - i'm a pro
