Friday, November 8, 2013

Watchin' a movie

Well, one of them is.


  1. I see Paul has mastered the manly art of being a father and an uncle. :)

  2. Also the manly art of exhaustion

    1. Oh I hope no one thinks I meant Paul was copping out!!!! Yikes. Not a bit. That is one exhausted dad and uncle who has found a way to multi-task, catch a few zzzz's and enjoy being with his nephew. My kids will tell you how many times I fell asleep "reading". I preferred Seuss because he was easy to memorize and I could turn the pages and recite the words with my eyes closed . . . and then suddenly I get a nudged and an "Hey!" because I had fallen asleep!

  3. I totally get why that's the case, that is one comfortable couch! :) And the best part of the movie is when you fall asleep.
