Thursday, April 9, 2015

19 months old, and mischievous

For so long I was waiting for Sylvia to be 18 months old. It seemed like such a huge milestone. And then it happened, and she was so grown up! Then ... she kept on growing up. Now she's not 18 months old anymore, and 2 years seems right around the corner. She looks taller, she feels stronger, she has more opinions than ever.

And she has a new bedtime trick: at some point during stories, she suddenly thinks to ask for a glass of water. Daddy picks her up and takes her downstairs to get it and they bring it back here. The first few times this happened, we joked that she's already learning to stall, but we thought she really was thirsty. (How could someone so little be that wily?)

Well ... she is that clever, it turns out. Tonight when she asked for water I handed her the glass that I'd already brought in with me (planning ahead). She grinned. Mischievously. And drew away from me. Paul laughed out loud, scooped her up, and took her out of the room for their nightly trip. On the way out, she waved to me: "Bye-bye!"

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