Wednesday, April 22, 2015


She has renamed Paul "Paul B." I have no idea how to explain that.

She can sort of count to ten. It's adorable. 

When she wants to nurse, she says, "Nurse dat!" or "Nurse-ah!" I can't explain that, either. 

I told her to close her eyes the other day, and she clapped her hands over her eyes and DID it. I didn't even know she knew how to do that. 

She loves to say "I did it!" or "I got it!" with a giant smile on her face. But you have to trust me that that's what she's saying, because both of them mostly sound like "Digit!" 

"Wup" means "Pick me up," pronounced this way because it's the last sound in the sentence, "Do you want me to pick you up?" Get it? "you-wup"? Actually, this only lasted about a week. Now she just says, "Up!" I miss the little w.


  1. Maybe she heard someone call him Pauly and that's where Paul B comes from. Or maybe there's a Paul A (Paulina?!) somewhere. Nurse dat is probably an original rap song.
