Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Yesterday morning, after she must have decided she was done with her scrambled eggs, and needed to get rid of them somehow, she pushed the plate toward me and said, "Taste this, Mom, it's vewy good." Sneaky. 
Today, as I was laying down next to her pretending to nap, trying to trick her into falling asleep, I felt her staring at me. I opened my eyes to a very sweet, tenderly concerned face inches from mine. She patted me on the cheek and said, "Go to sweep, honey." 

Tonight, as we were hugging Daddy good-bye and sending him off to the baseball game, she said, unprompted and with a big grin: "Yay, Royals!"

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Sylvia, is what I say! Three cheers for your three utterly adorable isms! And, considering that the internet is such a treacherous place, I think I had better shut down my computer now before I stumble unwittingly into some dark corner that snatches away the joy of having just read about those three moments. Good night, then, little girl. Thanks for the smiles. :)
