Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Sylvia drew pictures of all of the people allowed into her room: herself, her parents, and all her cousins. She also drew a picture of Levi, and drew a big line over him. He isn't respecting that decision.

Before she started drawing, she announced to me out of nowhere, "No babies are allowed in my room." Then she remembered that she likes Pia. So she amended that to, "No boys are allowed in my room." Then she remembered that she likes Daddy and Isaiah (sorry, the rest of you guys: no one else got mentioned). So she amended that to the essential truth, "Levi is not allowed in my room." Then she got to work on the signs.


  1. I love that "essential truth" . . . yes, indeed. Forced into impolite honesty :)

    And I love that she was not letting her limitation of not being able to write to prevent her message from getting across!!!!

  2. Hilarious! thanks for sharing that
