Thursday, December 14, 2017

Things I might forget

Time is moving so, so fast these days, and I want to remember every little detail of the things the kids do (the cute details, at least!). That's not possible, of course, but here are a few. 

Right now Sylvia is really into saying, "It's time for my races!" Then she goes outside and lines up her scooter, her tricycle, and her blue bike and enlists her imaginary friend Belissa (pronounced just like Melissa but with a B, of course). And she and Belissa take off, doing a lap around the garden box, and they always win. I am often invited to compete on my imaginary vehicles. 

She'll even do this when it's cold out, and even if it's dark. She also calls her races "channels." I have no idea why. 

The other day she used the words "gossamer gold" in a sentence as we were driving in the car. I'm not sure she knows what it means, but she heard "gossamer" used in a Frozen audiobook to describe Elsa's cloak. 

Lately she wants to hear audiobooks or kid music in the car all the time, and sometimes I say no, let's talk, but sometimes we all ride quietly, just listening. Even Levi rests, looking out the window at trees. I already feel the pang of what it will be like to have a teenager back there, listening to her headphones. 

Sylvia is extremely independent and has been saying "I REFUSE!" a lot to simple things, like "Pick up your coat." But she often says it while complying with whatever I have asked her to do, so I try to keep quiet while she's repeating it, just in case. 

She is rapidly learning to write letters, thanks to her preschool teachers ingenious idea to have the kids "sign in" when they arrive using dry-erase markers. 

Levi learned to say "Up!" so I'll pick him up, and he is always so obviously pleased whenever we understand what he's saying. 

Life keeps going. I hope I take more notes. 

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