Thursday, May 4, 2017


Levi has started crawling, a little. He can move forward now (just slid backwards before), mostly with one foot under him and one out to the side. He also undeniably takes toys away from Pia, who is visiting us this weekend while Matt and Charlie take all the big kids to the cabin. 

They do seem to delight each other, Pia and Levi, making lots of eye contact and grinning and babbling at each other. But then Levi ruins it by grabbing at her clothes. Or her face. And poor little Pia cries. She just needs to learn to pinch. 

Sylvia is away at the cabin with her cousins, big girl that she is. I really miss her. I've been trying to cuddle her a lot more lately. And kiss her and tickle her and make her laugh. I don't think there is a better sound in the world. 

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