Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sneaky baby

Sometimes Levi wakes up really early, a little before 5, and he can't seem to fall asleep again. He just lays in bed, talking, rolling around, and after about an hour of this I pick him up and bring him downstairs.

Instantly - instantly!! - he starts acting like a terribly aggrieved person whose only desire has always been to fall peacefully asleep in a dark comfortable place and not bother anyone. He rubs his eyes, he whimpers, he buries his head in my shoulder. About five minutes later, he's asleep in my arms.

And I am wide awake.

Coffee's on.


  1. I think that was the plan. To get you up so you could have a few minutes alone in the morning. What a big helper!

  2. Hah! Yes, he accomplished that goal for me ;)
